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  5. BeanLogin Integration with PurelyHR

BeanLogin Integration with PurelyHR


This guide details the necessary steps to establish SSO for PurelyHR using BeanLogin.

The guide assumes that you already have an existing PurelyHR Business subscription.

SSO Configuration in BeanLogin

Create As Password-Vault App Create As SAML App User Provisioning Supported
Supported Supported Supported

Below are the steps involved in configuration of SSO for Dropbox within BeanLogin

  1. Login to BeanLogin as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration >> Access Management >> Corporate Apps.
  3. Click New.
  4. Select PurelyHR from the list of apps and click it will give option whether to add as password-vault/SAML based on choice select the proper option and click on Add Selected Apps. It will add apps under corporate section with status as inactive.
  5. Click PurelyHR app from Corporate Apps section and open in edit mode and enter your domain name.
  6. Click Download Metadata File button and keep that file with you.
  7. PurelyHR support Just In Time Provisioning, so you need to enable that in Purely HR account side and just set flag to BeanLogin to understand its enabled or not.
  8. Submit.

SSO Configuration in PurelyHR

    1. Sign in to your organization’s PurelyHR administrator account.
    2. Go to your Account Dashboard.
    3. Click on SSO Settings.  
    4. Select Connector as Generic SAML.
    5. In the x.509 Certificate field, upload a .pem version of the cert below. You may use any tool like OpenSSL to convert the below .cer file to .pem format. 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
  1. In IDP issuer text box paste: urn:federation:beanlogin:yourdomain.purelyhr.com
  2. Add IDP Endpoint URL as: https://host_name/Federation/SAML2SSO.aspx?idpid=yourdomain.purelyhr.com, here host name is the current BeanLogin host URL
  3. Checked the Force SSO checkbox.
  4. checked the Auto-Create Users checkbox, If you want to auto create users When a user attempts to login to PurelyHR through the generic SAML connector.                         
  5. Click Save Changes.

Provisioning Configuration in BeanLogin

You can enable the provisioning from the two places

  1. From Corporate App Edit where you have last step as Provisioning.
  2. From Identity Management -> Endpoint Provisioning Section.

Purely HR Supports the Just in Time Provisioning. If SSO is enabled and and you are setting JIT flag true on Purely HR side you are done.

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